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In kmviz a Database refers to a pair of one Provider, i.e. a sequence index, and a MetaDB, i.e. a store that associate metadata to the samples indexed by the Provider. Before submitting your query, you have to select one or more Database(s).

After selecting a Database, its configuration becomes available.


In this example, ExampleDB uses kmindex-server which has two query options: z and coverage. For more details see kmindex documentation

Note that all options are not always displayed. When hosting an instance, one can decide to fix (and hide) some options.


kmviz supports sequence(s) in FASTA or FASTQ format from raw text or file.


After submitting a query, you receive a unique session-id that can be used to reload your results later. The session-id is a 42 characters string that matches kmviz-[a-fA-Z1-9]{8}-[a-fA-Z1-9]{4}-[a-fA-Z1-9]{4}-[a-fA-Z1-9]{4}-[a-fA-Z1-9]{12}, e.g. kmviz-1fb396fd-96f2-45ba-bd78-fd23fde9921e.