

  1. Indexing and real-time user-friendly queries in terabyte-sized complex genomic datasets with kmindex and ORA
    Téo Lemane, Nolan Lezzoche, Julien Lecubin, Eric Pelletier, Magali LescotRayan Chikhi, and Pierre Peterlongo
    Nature Computational Science, Feb 2024
    Publisher: Nature Publishing Group


  1. decOM: similarity-based microbial source tracking of ancient oral samples using k-mer-based methods
    Camila Duitama GonzálezRiccardo VicedominiTéo Lemane, Nicolas Rascovan, Hugues Richard, and Rayan Chikhi
    Microbiome, Nov 2023


  1. PhD thesis: Indexing and analysis of large sequencing collections using k-mer matrices
    Téo Lemane
    Université de Rennes 1 & Inria, Dec 2022
  2. kmtricks: efficient and flexible construction of Bloom filters for large sequencing data collections
    Bioinformatics Advances, Jan 2022
  3. kmdiff, large-scale and user-friendly differential k-mer analyses
    Téo LemaneRayan Chikhi, and Pierre Peterlongo
    Bioinformatics, Dec 2022
  4. The K-mer File Format: a standardized and compact disk representation of sets of k-mers
    Yoann Dufresne, Teo Lemane, Pierre Marijon, Pierre Peterlongo, Amatur Rahman, Marek Kokot, Paul Medvedev, Sebastian Deorowicz, and Rayan Chikhi
    Bioinformatics, Sep 2022


  1. Identification of isolated or mixed strains from long reads: a challenge met on Streptococcus thermophilus using a MinION sequencer
    Grégoire Siekaniec, Emeline Roux, Téo Lemane, Eric Guédon, and Jacques Nicolas
    Microbial Genomics, Sep 2021
    Publisher: Microbiology Society,