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Instance plugin

An instance plugin is a plugin dedicated to a specific instance, e.g. an instance devoted to a sequencing project. It provides a homepage and additional assets to make a customized interface.


Here is an example of an instance plugin implementation. See kmviz_instance_plugin for a complete example.

from typing import Any
from kmviz.core.plugin import KmVizPlugin

from dash import dcc
import dash_mantine_components as dmc
from dash_iconify import DashIconify
from dash_extensions.enrich import html

from typing import List, Tuple, Any

class InstancePlugin(KmVizPlugin):
    def is_instance_plugin(self) -> bool:
        return True

    def name(self) -> str:
        return "InstancePlugin"

    def instance(self) -> html.Div:
        layout = html.Div([
            ## Welcome to the kmviz demo instance!
            Here is an example of what happens when **kmviz** loads an *instance* plugin.
            In addition to the usual plugin features, an instance plugin can provide
            a homepage to describe the instance content and provide some help.
            Here we loaded 'kmviz_instance_plugin'.
            When a homepage is provided, the **kmviz** dashboard is available
            at `{url}/dashboard` and the plugin should provide a link to it on the
            homepage, as the button below.
                    "Go to dashboard",
                    leftIcon=DashIconify(icon="noto:rocket", width=20),
                    style={"position":"fixed", "top": "50%", "left":"50%"}
            *Instance* plugin can also provide additional assets:

        return layout

kmviz_plugin = InstancePlugin()

Assets will be automatically available if put at the right location, i.e. assets directory in sources. To access a resource, use the following path prefix: assets/_kmviz_{plugin_name}_assets/, ex: assets/_kmviz_instance_plugin_assets/image.png.

plugin structure
├── kmviz_instance_plugin
│   ├── assets             <---
│   └──
├── poetry.lock
├── pyproject.toml